Pascale Turlan-Milovanovich IR Share

Pascale Turlan-Milovanovich (†)

Deputy Editor of IR Notes

Pascale played her own small part in the construction of a social Europe, firmly believing that there can be no lasting peace without social justice. She highlighted issues that can help to make the workplace a more “women-friendly” environment, and applied her rigorous legal mind to everything she did. We will honour her memory by continuing to meet her high expectations, as she looks down on us, carefully scrutinising our work, as always.

Pascale who, for the past three years (2021-2024), had been working hard to enhance the quality of our newsletter, monitoring the progress of social Europe in Member States via multiple websites and looking out for “weak signals” – news stories that may not initially sound very important, but are indicative of future trends or topics related to social dialogue. Pascale used to proofread all of the articles published in IR Notes, to make sure they were concise and could be understood by everyone.

We had planned to revamp the IR Share website in 2024 and to rethink the distribution methods used for IR Notes, and with this in mind, she had prepared a short biography for the forthcoming website. It is reproduced below : “Pascale studied law, and worked for a number of years as a legal adviser at a major Paris law firm, specialising in labour law. She then took time out to be with her two children and help them with their education, when they were experiencing serious problems at school. Pascale home-schooled them for 10 years, with Frédéric’s support, while at the same time assisting with the development of IR Share. This was a deeply fulfilling and extremely busy time. Iris and Hugo went on to pass their bac and to complete their higher education with flying colours! Since 2021, Pascale has been a journalist and a formal member of IR Share. She is involved in the editing of IR Notes, in performing studies on behalf of Eurofound and in IR Share’s development projects”.


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