Case Law
IR Share is a multilingual resource centre providing information and documentation on labour law and industrial relations at European Union and Member State level
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SEPTEMBER 11, 2019
ECSR: Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (CGIL) v. Italia, n°158/2017, 11 February 2020
JULY 31, 2019
Oracle : Judgment of the Employment Appeal Tribunal of 31 July 2019, Hinrichs / Oracle
FEBRUARY 18, 2019
European Commission: Flash Reports on Labour Law January 2019
NOVEMBER 15, 2018
European Commission: Flash Reports on Labour Law October 2018
DECEMBER 17, 2018
European Commission: Flash Reports on Labour Law November 2018
JUNE 01, 2018
European Commission: Flash report on Labour law May 2018
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