IR Research

Informing decision-makers

As Eurofound’s National correspondent, IR Share provides information on working conditions, industrial relations and the labour market to support the EU institutions and bodies, Member States and social partners in shaping social Europe, as well as promoting social dialogue on the basis of comparative information and research.

Our recent researches and activities

3 September 2024
Developments in working life in 2023

Developments in working life in 2023

The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) has published individual country reports on the main developments in industrial relations and working conditions in the 27 EU Member States and Norway. These country reports are the only sources of information available for monitoring developments in these countries, in terms of social dialogue, collective bargaining, working time and initiatives regarding employment contracts, reducing the gender pay gap, health and safety, and work-life balance. IR Share produced the working paper for France (downloadable above)
2 September 2024
Just transition partnerships: Involvement, challenges and opportunities

Just transition partnerships: Involvement, challenges and opportunities

Multistakeholder partnerships are essential to ensure that the green transition is not only environmentally sound and economically viable but also socially just. This policy brief investigates how relevant actors (national and regional authorities, the social partners and civil society organisations) are pursuing a green and just transition using a partnership approach in eight European regions facing particular challenges as a result of the phase-out of fossil fuels. Based on case studies, the policy brief examines how the actors involved perceive the just transition and identifies partnership practices that work and those that warrant improvement. It also describes how the regions see the future of partnership for a just transition in the medium and long terms and draws policy pointers from the evidence gathered. IR Share produced the case study on the Territorial Just Transition Plans in the French Hauts-de-France region.
18 April 2024
Remote work in rural and peripheral areas

Remote work in rural and peripheral areas

At the national and local level, several initiatives have been launched or received significant additional funding – as in the case of France – since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic to support remote work in rural, peripheral, or marginalised areas via the creation and expansion of coworking spaces. IR Share has provided a case study about “tiers-lieux” (“third places” in English) that defines physical places dedicated to a variety of activities, where the creation of economic value is linked with social utility, and work mixes with other aspects of collective life. “Tiers-lieux” allow for social interactions and informal exchange, as well as promoting creativity, co-creation and collective projects. A tier-lieu can be for example a coworking space, a fablab, an “atelier partagé” (shared workshop), a makerspace or hackerspace, a “garage solidaire” (solidarity garage) or a repair café. It can be seen as an instrument to support teleworkers in rural areas.
16 April 2024
Telework and the right to disconnect

Telework and the right to disconnect

This study, in which IR Share took part and which was developed by Visionary Analytics and Notus, was commissioned by the European Commission for the purposes of: analysing the trends, challenges and opportunities associated with telework and the right to disconnect; presenting an overview and an analysis of the “acquis communautaire”, national legislations and agreements reached with social partners; identifying likely scenarios for the evolution of telework; and putting forward future policymaking recommendations. This is a very comprehensive and useful document, in a context in which the Commission is supposed to be launching a first-stage consultation of European social partners on an EU initiative aimed at introducing oversight of telework and the right to disconnect.
02 February 2024
Social protection for the unemployed – Background paper

Social protection for the unemployed – Background paper

This background paper focuses on one important aspect of social protection: unemployment benefits, both first tier (usually contributory) and lower tier (predominantly tax-based, non-contributory and means-tested). Unemployment benefits help to cushion the impact of job loss on household finances and act as an economic stabiliser. The paper examines trends in expenditure on unemployment benefits, identifies gaps in formal coverage, discusses groups for whom benefits are inadequate, and looks at non-take-up, rejection decisions, digitalisation of application procedures, and links between unemployment benefits and service entitlements.
25 October 2022
Challenges and solutions: Case studies on European Works Councils

Challenges and solutions: Case studies on European Works Councils

This working paper investigates the practical implementation of the European Works Council (EWC) Directive at company level. It explores the challenges faced by existing EWCs and provides examples of solutions identified and remaining issues from the point of view of both workers and management. In addition, the paper looks at how EWCs meet the requirements of the EWC Directive in terms of establishing processes of information and consultation. Using case studies, it also examines the extent to which such effective collaboration has gone beyond the EWC Directive’s requirements to establish joint work on other issues of common concern.. IR Share has carried out the report with the support of Tina Weber, Peter Kerckhofs and Ricardo Rodriguez Contreras.

As national correspondents, our contributions support Eurofound’s research by collecting, analysing and reporting on specific developments (policies, practices and regulations) in the EU Member States and by supporting Eurofound’s outreach activities at national level.

Our Partners

Ultra Laborans

Ultra Laborans is a multi-disciplinary team that provides support for organisations and territories in the transformation of work.

Visionary Analytics

Visionary Analytics is a research-based advisory company providing applied research, evaluation and other consultancy services for the European Union institutions, international organisations and national governments.


Notus‘ work includes providing technical support to public and private entities with the design, management and evaluation of their policies and programmes, as well as organising seminars and workshops.

Other IR Share Services

Sharing knowledge and information to deepen our collective understanding and develop new solutions to address the impacts of digitalisation, climate change and environmental protection.

IR Doc

Open access library

IR Doc is a multilingual resource centre providing documentation on labour law and industrial relations at European Union and Member State level, including collective agreements concluded by the social partners at European, sectoral and transnational company level.

IR Training

Strengthening social dialogue

Members of the IR Share team are regularly called upon to devise training courses. We deliver these either directly or working together with partners, to ensure that the training is tailored to the exact needs expressed.

IR Notes

Building a social Europe together

The IR Notes newsletter gives everyone in Europe access to an independent, reliable and impartial source of information on topics involving industrial relations

IR Club

Club CE européens –
 EWCs Club

Since 2011, the European Works Councils Club has sought to co-construct the foundations of a European social dialogue that can meet the social and environmental challenges faced by transnational companies..

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