About Us
IR Share is a privately- owned, independent, apolitical company whose aim is to inform and assist all players involved in social dialogue both within and outside Europe.
IR Share
Permanent team

Frédéric Turlan
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Pascale Turlan-Milovanovich (†)
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Victoria Fonseca
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Camille Hue
Junior researcher (trainee)
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Ambre Grenier-Boley
Junior researcher (trainee)
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IR Share
A network
of experts
IR Share is made up of a network of experts who enjoy working on comparative social legislation, national labour law and industrial relations in the context of IR Share’s different activities. All of IR Share’s experts and authors work for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions and the European Commission. All of IR Share’s experts and authors are convinced of the need for social dialogue, believe that the right to information and consultation is fundamental and undertake to work free from any bias or outside influences. Their sole aim is to reflect reality.

Sylvain Nadalet
National expert for Italy

Vassil Kirov
National expert for Luxembourg

Jean-Philippe Lhernould
European labour law expert

Inga Blaziene
National expert for Lithuania

Francisco Javier Gómez Abelleira
National expert for Spain

Catarina de Oliveira Carvalho
National expert for Portugal

Štěpánka Lehmann
National expert for the Czech Republic

Vasilis Koniaris
National expert for Greece

Tamas Gyulavári
National expert for Hungary

Raquel Rego
National expert for Portugal

Ekaterina Markova
National expert for Bulgaria

Aimee Waldon-Thoroe
National expert for Germany

Christer Thörnqvist
National expert for Sweden

Jan Czarzasty
National expert for Poland

Predrag Bejakovic
National expert for Croatia

Elma Paulauskaite
National expert for Lithuania
Our Partners

Ultra Laborans
Ultra Laborans is a multi-disciplinary team that supports the metamorphosis of work at the level of organisations and territories.

Visionary Analytics
Visionary Analytics is a research-based advisory company providing applied research, evaluation and other consultancy services for the European Union institutions, international organisations and national governments.

Notus’ work includes providing technical support to public and private entities with the design, management and evaluation of their policies and programmes, as well as organising seminars and workshops.
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