ASTREES-IR Share: European Works Councils and the challenge of digital transformation within multinational companies

A Handbook for the actors engaged in European social dialogue at company level

Date of publication

1 March 2020

Available language

Allemand | English | Français | Italien | Spanish

Country/countries concerned

European Union


Studies and reports

This document seeks to draw the lessons of various workshops organised in 2018 and 2019, which were attended by various members of European Works Councils and SE Works Councils, who represented both management and workers, and came from a range of different sectors and countries. It merely sets out to be a non-partisan starting point, which is offered to the diverse range of European Works Council ac- tors. The aim is to initiate thinking that is as open-minded as possible, regarding the role played by the Works Council on which they sit, in the digital revolution that is already happening within companies and will continue to gather pace. It is therefore our hope that it can carry out this task and support the development of a European social dialogue at company level which is both economically effective and socially responsible.

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