European Commission: consultation with European social partners on possible future EU measures to prevent and deter undeclared work
On 4 July 2013, the European Commission has launched a consultation with representatives of trade unions and employers' organisations on possible future EU measures to prevent and deter undeclared work
According the European Commission "such cooperation could include the sharing of best practices on prevention and deterrence measures, identifying common principles for inspections of employers, promoting staff exchanges and joint training and facilitating joint control actions". The consultation document gives an overview of the main problems arising from undeclared work (including bogus self-employment), reviews recent studies on undeclared work and outlines the objectives and possible content of a future EU initiative to combat undeclared work. This initiative is due to be adopted in the 2nd half of 2013. The employees' and employers' organisations have until 20 September 2013 to submit their views and comments.
According the European Commission "such cooperation could include the sharing of best practices on prevention and deterrence measures, identifying common principles for inspections of employers, promoting staff exchanges and joint training and facilitating joint control actions". The consultation document gives an overview of the main problems arising from undeclared work (including bogus self-employment), reviews recent studies on undeclared work and outlines the objectives and possible content of a future EU initiative to combat undeclared work. This initiative is due to be adopted in the 2nd half of 2013. The employees' and employers' organisations have until 20 September 2013 to submit their views and comments.
Date of publication
4 July 2013
Available language
Allemand | English | Français
Country/countries concerned
European Union
Cross industry social dialogue
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