Directive on measures facilitating the exercise of rights conferred on workers in the context of freedom of movement for workers

On 14 April the Council definitively adopted the directive "on measures facilitating the exercise of rights conferred on workers in the context of freedom of movement for workers". This directive, which the Member States have two years to implement in their national law, aims to ensure the effectiveness of the right to equal treatment in comparison to nationals for workers and their families who move to another EU country in order to work.

In particular, this concerns the enforcement of such rights with regard to access to employment, the conditions of employment and work (remuneration, dismissal, health and safety, etc.) and social and tax advantages. In their national legislation, the states must ensure that "judicial procedures for the enforcement of said obligations are available to all Union workers" and their families "who consider that they have suffered or are suffering from unjustified restrictions and obstacles to their right to free movement or who consider themselves wronged by a failure to apply the principle of equal treatment to them […]". To assist them, the directive adds that "associations, organisations, including the social partners, or other legal entities ... may engage, either on behalf of or in support of, Union workers and members of their family, with their approval, in any judicial and/or administrative procedure provided for the enforcement" of these rights.

Date of publication

APRIL 04, 2014

Available language

Allemand | English | Français | Spanish

Country/countries concerned

European Union



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