On 20 March 2024, the European Commission published a communication entitled “Labour and skills shortages in the EU: an action plan”, with the aim of remedying these shortages, which “are a serious bottleneck for the EU’s sustainable and inclusive growth, competitiveness, green and digital transitions”. The Commission points out that the shrinking working-age population, the job growth expected from the green and digital transitions, and poor working conditions, “such as above-average job strain and low wages, are key factor[s] behind persistent labour shortages in some occupations and sectors”. It plans to provide funding to social partners, so that they can expand their work in combatting this trend, and invites them “to submit operational projects” (see press release).
European Commission: Communication “Labour and skills shortages in the EU: an action plan”
Date of publication
28 March 2024
Available language
Country/countries concerned
European Union
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