IBM: IBM European Works Council Agreement as revised and amended by Amendment n°4 as of 16 November 2022

Date of publication

16 November 2022

Available language


Country/countries concerned

European Union



After discussions lasting a year and a half, IBM management and members of IBM’s EWC have revised their European Works Council agreement and its internal regulation. “The aim was to remove some ambiguities, in order to have clarity and avoid the different interpretations that led to discussions and sometimes legal disputes over the past years”, explains EWC secretary Marc Born. Members are convinced that with the current amended agreement, they can continue to have a constructive and open dialogue with management. The agreement, which will remain in force until 2028, provides for two regular meetings per year and several further select committee meetings, plus interpreting and translation services, training and the involvement of external experts. However, the United Kingdom is no longer represented, despite the EWC’s request for this.

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