Luxemburg : law transposing directive 2009/38 of 6 May 2009 on European works councils

The chamber of deputies on 18 December 2012 unanimously adopted a law transposing directive 2009/38 of 6 May 2009 on European works councils.

Date of publication

22 January 2013

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National Implementation Measures

The transposition is in keeping with the additions made by the European lawmakers to the 1994 directive. It nevertheless specifies the right granted to members of the European works council and the special negotiating body to undergo training. An article of the Labour Code now provides that “insofar as this is necessary in order to exercise their representative function in an international context, the members of the special negotiating body and the European works council shall benefit from training without loss of salary in accordance with the provisions envisaged under article L. 415-10”. This text grants one week’s training leave per year, paid by the employer, for employees working in companies with more than 150 workers (two weeks for the duration of their term in office in companies with between 50 and 150 employees, and one week for the duration of their term in office in those with 15 to 50 employees).

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