Proposal for a directive on disclosure of non- financial and diversity information by certain large companies and groups

This proposal sets therefore a requirement for certain large companies to disclose relevant non-financial and diversity information, ensuring a level playing field across the EU.
The proposal will require certain large companies to disclose a statement in their Annual Report including material information relating to at least environmental, social, and employee-related matters, respect of human rights, anti-corruption and bribery aspects. Within these areas, the statement will include: a description of its policies ; results and ; risk-related aspects. The proposal require that large listed companies have to provide information on their diversity policy, including aspects concerning age, gender, geographical diversity, and educational and professional background. The information will be included in the corporate governance statement and will have to contain the objectives of such a policy, its implementation and the results obtained. Companies not having a diversity policy will only be obliged to explain why this is the case

Date of publication

APRIL 16, 2013

Available language

English | Français

Country/countries concerned

European Union



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