Proposal for a regulation on a European network of Employment Services, workers’ access to mobility services and the further integration of labour markets

The general objective is to make the EURES network an effective instrument for any job seeker or employer interested in intra-EU labour mobility. The specific objectives of the proposal address the above shortcomings as follows:

– to achieve on the EURES portal a nearly complete supply of job vacancies, with job seekers all over Europe having instant access to the same vacancies, in combination with an extensive pool of CV’s available from which registered employers can recruit; – to enable the EURES portal to carry out a good automated matching between job vacancies and CV’s across Member States, translating in all EU languages and understanding skills, competences, qualifications and occupations acquired at national and sectoral level; – to make available basic information about the EURES network throughout the Union to any job seeker or employer seeking client services for recruitment and to consistently offer any person interested access to the EURES network; – to assist any such person interested with matching, placement and recruitment through the EURES network; – to support the functioning of the EURES network through information exchange on national labour shortages and surpluses and the coordination of actions across Member States.

Date of publication

17 January 2014

Available language

Allemand | English | Français

Country/countries concerned

European Union



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