Restitution of the ISA project

As  French partner of the ISA project, we are organising a short restitution of the project on Monday 29 March at 17.30 with  Feliciano Iudicone, researcher at the Brodolini Foundation, on the theme “Is the cooperation between public authorities and sectoral funds effective in the fight against fraudulent posting of workers in the EU?. We also welcome Giacomo Virgilio from CISL.

The objectives of the ISA project are to promote and strengthen transnational cooperation between authorities and stakeholders involved in the posting of workers in the construction sector, by promoting the establishment of information-sharing agreements to monitor and facilitate the posting of workers.

Monday 29 March 2021 at 17:30 on Zoom
Simultaneous interpretation in English and French
Please download a recent version of Zoom to access the interpretation

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