On 24 January 2024, the Safran group (50,000 employees in the EU), which supplies parts to the aircraft industry, and the IndustriAll Europe trade union federation, have completed the negotiation of a European Agreement in favour of the professional integration of young people. The agreement builds on the first agreement signed in 2013 and the second agreement dating from 2017. The group’s significant recruitment requirements mean that it needs to enhance its appeal to young people. The introduction to the agreement recognises that these young people are aware of the “environmental and societal impact of their jobs, work-life balance, the possibility of working in other countries” and they “are worried about the challenges of the ecological and digital transitions”. Consequently, the agreement includes measures intended to promote the integration of apprentices, work-study students, interns and European research students, and recruitment targets have been set. The agreement enables any young people undergoing work-linked training to have an interview with the Human Resources department, to discuss their career path. In the event of any difficulties, a follow-up will be scheduled “to ensure that the situation develops properly”. The agreement also calls for “particular attention [to be] paid to accommodation”. Corinne Schievene (CFDT), Secretary of the Safran EWC, says: “The emphasis is on the agreement’s roll-out, especially by involving people at local level”. Accordingly, the following will be organised within 6 months of signature of this agreement: i) a joint meeting of the Monitoring Committee and HR managers of the European entities, based on quantitative and qualitative indicators defined in the agreement; ii) communication to the companies’ HR teams and a presentation to local workforce representatives. In addition, action plans will be drawn up between local management and trade unions and/or employee representative bodies, and implemented within 9 months of signature, in cases where they do not already exist.
Safran: European agreement in favour of the professional integration of young people (2024)
Date of publication
24 January 2024
Available language
English | Français
Country/countries concerned
European Union | Norway | United Kingdom
Transnational collective bargaining
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