The French group Sulo, which is specialised in waste recycling and sorting solutions (2,200 employees, €550 million turnover), has established a EWC, by means of an agreement signed on 7 December 2023. Almost one half of the group’s workforce is in France (1,027 employees and 5 EWC representatives) but it also has establishments in Germany (272 employees, 2 representatives), Sweden (202 employees, 1 representative), Spain (196 employees, 1 representative) and Belgium (158 employees, 1 representative). Five other countries are also represented on the council, which will hold one plenary meeting a year. It is consulted where exceptional circumstances arise (affecting at least two countries and at least 30% of the workforce in each of them), in the event of the business being sold off or undergoing a demerger, a merger by acquisition, etc. It will also be consulted once every three years on the group’s strategic orientations and on the group’s strategic plan if this changes; and once a year on its CSR policy.
Sulo: agreement on the creation of a European works council for the Sulo group
Date of publication
18 February 2024
Available language
Country/countries concerned
European Union
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