Workbook “Say no to bullying, say no to harassment”

This guide is to be used in conjunction with the video Say No to Bullying, Say No to Harassment! (Edition 2). Both are designed to highlight bullying and harassment as unacceptable and counter-productive behaviours. The guide also provides practical advice on how to reduce the incidence of harassment and bullying in the work place and deal with it should it occur. It should be read by everyone working in the shipping industry at all levels.

In this guide there are instructions to help you prepare and lead training sessions. These describe: • Objectives. What those attending the training will get out of it • Programme. An outline structure of a 50 minute session • Sensitivity. Suggestions for the person running the session on how to deal with sensitive issues which may arise • Preparation. How to prepare the sessions • Session notes. Detailed instructions on what to cover and how. These include references to particular sequences from the video which illustrate key points

Date of publication

FEBRYARY 05, 2014

Available language


Country/countries concerned

European Union


European sectoral social dialogue

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