Training for Dassault Système SE Works Council

We were really pleased to spend two days looking at the role of the Dassault Systèmes SE-Works council and welcoming almost 50% of the new members. The moderator, Frédéric Turlan, helped them brush up on their skills so they can make the most of their role as European employee representatives. We shared insights on the main differences between industrial relations systems, worked on understanding their agreement through workshops and discovered the aim of SE-WC and its potential. We also teamed up with ETUI for the second day, on sustainability reporting issues.

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Training for Veolia EWC members

IR Share successfully trained jointly with Christophe Teissier  (Ultra Laborans), the full and substitute members of the Veolia European Works Council  on 4 and 5 February 2025 in Paris. The training was based on upstream preparation on understanding the EWC...

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Other IR Share Services

We are called upon to devise training programmes based on needs expressed by a number of companies; we publish analyses and create tailor-made training activities for groups, works councils, trade unions and law firms. Our most recent projects are described here

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